I took the week off after the Plein Air Marathon - I have felt both exhausted and exhilarated before, but never more so than on Friday evening, May 1, at the close of the Wet Paint Auction on First Friday. That auction, however, was not the end of the Festival. The night of the First Friday Wet Paint Auction we sold nine (9) paintings of the 32 that were up for bid. And the bidding began on those other paintings that were not included in the "Artist Selection" for the first auction. (Each Festival Artist could select one painting to be included in the Wet Paint First Friday Auction.) So, bids are ongoing on at least 45 of the other paintings completed during the Festival. More to come - we will officially begin the ON LINE AUCTION with the "Director's Choice" paintings (another 32 or so)for your purchase. The Webmaster will be in tomorrow to finalize the plans, but this is the format that we have proposed: Thumbnails of "Director's Choice" paintings will be up for bit, with link to enlarge for better viewing. Enlarged view will include Title, Artist name, Size, inventory number, minimum opening bid, current bid and bidding instructions. Bids will be sent via email so that date and time bid received is automatically recorded. Then the bidder will receive an email confirming the bid and telling whether the bid is the current high bid.
More information tomorrow after webmaster works on the presentation package for auction. Enjoy these other photographs from the most exhausting, most exciting, most exhilarating, most rewarding week ever at GMA!
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